歐亞經濟聯盟(EAEU)是白俄羅斯、俄羅斯聯邦、吉爾吉斯、哈薩克、和亞美尼亞的關稅和經濟聯盟,在成員國之間建立了自由貿易區;自 2015 年起,EAEU 成為前歐亞關稅同盟 EACU 的合法繼承者,在歐亞經濟聯盟地區,實施共同關稅、統一貿易規則、和統一技術標準。
The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) is a customs and economic union comprising Belarus, the Russian Federation, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Armenia, which has established a free trade zone among its member states. Since 2015, the EAEU has become the legal successor to the former Eurasian Customs Union (EACU). In the EAEU region, common customs tariffs, unified trade rules, and uniform technical standards are implemented.
EAC 標誌/證書 - 是產品符合歐亞經濟聯盟(TR CU)評估程序所有技術法規的官方證明,新的通用認證系統是基於俄羅斯聯邦的技術法規流程。
The EAC mark/certificate is the official proof that a product complies with all technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (TR CU) assessment procedure. The new universal certification system is based on the technical regulation process of the Russian Federation.
Certification Group Taiwan 旗下有發證單位代碼 (AB29, AG21, HA96, HB18, PF02),除了 Russia CoC,亦可為客戶發行【哈薩克 – KZ CoC】與【吉爾吉斯 – KG CoC】的 EAC 證書。
Certification Group Taiwan, which includes certification body codes (AB29, AG21, HA96, HB18, PF02), can issue not only Russia CoC but also EAC certificates for Kazakhstan (KZ CoC) and Kyrgyzstan (KG CoC) for clients.
我們為您整理了 TR CU 004 (Safety) / 020 (EMC) / 037 (RoHS) 的強制性認證清單,您可以透過 HS Code 初步查詢您的產品是否需要申請 EAC CoC 證書,立即前往下載 >>
We have compiled a detailed list for TR CU 004 / 020 / 037, including the HS codes of products requiring mandatory CoC certifications. You can initially check whether your product needs to apply for an EAC CoC certificate by using the HS code.