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EAEU CU TR 020 技術產品電磁相容性標準更新 (EAEU Updates TR CU 020 EMC Standards)

歐亞經濟聯盟(EAEU)宣布,關於 CU TR 020/2011「技術產品的電磁相容性」的標準列表已於2024年7月9日進行了重大更新。

The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) has announced significant updates to the list of standards for CU TR 020/2011 "Electromagnetic Compatibility of Technical Products," effective July 9, 2024.


The EAEU has updated its TR CU 020/2011 standards for electromagnetic compatibility of technical products. A new mandatory standard, GOST CISPR 35-2019, for multimedia equipment, will take effect on January 1, 2025. Additionally, the application period for GOST EN 55020-2016, covering sound and TV broadcast receivers, has been extended to July 1, 2025.

EAEU 更新了 TR CU 020/2011 技術產品的電磁相容性標準。新增的 GOST CISPR 35-2019 多媒體設備標準將於2025年1月1日起強制實施。此外,GOST EN 55020-2016 標準的適用期限延長至2025年7月1日。

引入的新標準: New Standard Introduced:

新增標準 GOST CISPR 35-2019(等同於 CISPR 35:2016),標題為「多媒體設備的電磁相容性 - 抗干擾要求」已添加到標準列表中,該標準將於2025年1月1日起成為 EAC 認證的強制要求,此新增標準確保多媒體設備滿足嚴格的電磁相容性和抗干擾要求,提供更高的可靠性和性能。

A new standard, GOST CISPR 35-2019 (identical to CISPR 35:2016), titled "Electromagnetic Compatibility of Multimedia Equipment - Immunity Requirements," has been added to the list. This standard will become mandatory for EAC approval starting January 1, 2025. This inclusion ensures that multimedia equipment meets stringent electromagnetic compatibility and immunity requirements, providing enhanced reliability and performance.


Extended Application Period for Existing Standard:

現有標準 GOST EN 55020-2016(等同於 CISPR 20:2006),標題為「聲音和電視廣播接收器及相關設備 - 抗干擾特性 - 限制和測量方法」的適用期已延長至2025年7月1日;此延長允許製造商有更多時間反應並遵循針對聲音和電視廣播接收器及相關設備的既定限制和測量方法,確保持續遵循抗干擾特性。

The application period for the existing standard, GOST EN 55020-2016 (identical to CISPR 20:2006), titled "Sound and Television Broadcast Receivers and Associated Equipment - Immunity Characteristics - Limits and Methods of Measurement," has been extended until July 1, 2025. This extension allows manufacturers additional time to comply with the established limits and measurement methods for sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment, ensuring continued adherence to immunity characteristics.

這些更新反映了 EAEU 對維持技術產品電磁相容性高標準的持續承諾,確保它們符合安全可靠運行的必要法規要求,鼓勵製造商和相關方審查更新的標準,並對其合規流程進行必要的調整,以在規定的時間內滿足新的要求。

These updates reflect the EAEU's ongoing commitment to maintaining high standards of electromagnetic compatibility for technical products, ensuring they meet the necessary regulatory requirements for safe and reliable operation. Manufacturers and stakeholders are encouraged to review the updated standards and make necessary adjustments to their compliance processes to meet the new requirements within the stipulated timelines.



Download the original regulation document here


Below is the translation of the regulation document:

CU TR 020/2011「技術產品的電磁相容性」標準列表 List of Standards to the CU TR 020/2011 “Electromagnetic compatibility of technical products”


On Amendments to the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 77 dated June 29, 2021

根據《歐亞經濟聯盟條約》附件9(2014年5月29日)和附件2第5段技術法規議定書,以及2014年12月23日歐亞最高經濟委員會第98號決議批准的歐亞經濟委員會工作規則,歐亞經濟委員會決定: In accordance with paragraph 4 of the Protocol on technical regulation within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union (Appendix No. 9 to the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union dated May 29, 2014) and paragraph 5 of Appendix No. 2 to the Rules of Procedure of the Eurasian Economic Commission, approved by the Decision of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council dated December 23, 2014, No. 98, the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission has decided:

  1. 修訂2021年6月29日歐亞經濟委員會第77號決議:修訂內容涉及「國際和區域(跨國)標準列表」,在缺少這些標準的情況下,應使用「國家(國家級)標準」。這些標準的自願應用確保符合關稅同盟《技術手段電磁相容性》(TR CU 020/2011)技術法規的要求;修訂還包括國際和區域(跨國)標準列表,在缺少這些標準的情況下,應使用包含研究(測試)和測量規則及方法的國家(國家級)標準,這些規則和方法包括樣本選擇規則,必要時應用和實施關稅同盟《技術手段電磁相容性》(TR CU 020/2011)技術法規的要求,以及評估技術法規對象的符合性,所有這些修訂內容均見於附件。 To amend the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 77 dated June 29, 2021 "On the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in the absence thereof - national (state) standards, as a result of the application of which on a voluntary basis, compliance with the requirements of the technical regulation of the Customs Union 'Electromagnetic Compatibility of Technical Means' (TR CU 020/2011) is ensured, and the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in the absence thereof - national (state) standards containing rules and methods of research (testing) and measurements, including sample selection rules, necessary for the application and implementation of the requirements of the technical regulation of the Customs Union 'Electromagnetic Compatibility of Technical Means' (TR CU 020/2011) and the assessment of compliance of objects of technical regulation" in accordance with the appendix.

  2. 本決議自官方發布之日起180個日曆天後生效。 This Decision shall enter into force 180 calendar days after the date of its official publication.

Chairman of the Board

Eurasian Economic Commission

B. Sagintayev


根據2021年6月29日歐亞經濟委員會第77號決議 Changes introduced in the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated June 29, 2021, No. 77

1. 在國際和區域(跨國)標準列表中,在缺少這些標準的情況下,應使用國家(國家級)標準,這些標準的自願應用確保符合關稅同盟《技術設備電磁相容性》(TR CU 020/2011)技術法規的要求,根據該決議批准的標準: In the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in the absence thereof - national (state) standards, as a result of the application of which on a voluntary basis ensures compliance with the requirements of the technical regulation of the Customs Union "Electromagnetic Compatibility of Technical Means" (TR CU 020/2011), approved by the said Decision:

a)   在第192段的第4欄中,將「自2022年3月1日起適用」替換為「適用至2024年8月1 日」 in paragraph 192 in column 4, replace the words "applies from 01.03.2022" with the words "applies until 01.08.2024";

b)    在第193段的第4欄中補充「適用至2025年7月1日」; supplement paragraph 193 in column 4 with the words "applies until 01.07.2025";

c)   補充第221^1項,內容如下: supplement with position 221^1 of the following content:


GOST CISPR 35-2019 (sections 4 and 5)"Electromagnetic compatibility of multimedia equipment. Immunity requirements" GOST CISPR 35-2019 (第4和第5部分)「多媒體設備的電磁相容性 - 抗干擾要求」

applies from 01.01.2025 自2025年1月1日起適用

2. 在包含研究(測試)和測量規則與方法的國際和區域(跨國)標準列表中,在缺少這些標準的情況下,應使用國家(國家級)標準,這些標準包括樣本選擇規則,必要時應用和實施關稅同盟《技術設備電磁相容性》(TR CU 020/2011)技術法規的要求,以及評估技術法規對象的符合性,根據該決議批准的標準: In the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in the absence thereof - national (state) standards, containing rules and methods of research (testing) and measurements, including rules for sample selection, necessary for the application and implementation of the requirements of the technical regulation of the Customs Union "Electromagnetic Compatibility of Technical Means" (TR CU 020/2011) and the assessment of compliance of objects of technical regulation, approved by the said Decision:

a)    在第217段的第4欄中補充「適用至2025年7月1日」; supplement paragraph 217 in column 4 with the words "applies until 01.07.2025";

b)    補充第261^1項,內容如下: supplement with position 261^1 of the following content:


GOST CISPR 35-2019 (sections 6, 7, 9, and 10)"Electromagnetic compatibility of multimedia equipment. Immunity requirements" 「多媒體設備的電磁相容性 - 抗干擾要求」

applies from 01.01.2025 自2025年1月1日起適用

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