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Korea Wi-Fi 7 簡化SAR測量方法的進展及相關考量 (Progress of Wi-Fi 7 Simplified SAR Measurement in Korea)

Korea KOTTA 和 RRA 預計可能於七月底前發布 Wi-Fi 7 簡化 SAR 測試指南,Wi-Fi 7 模組的終端產品需進行額外 SAR 測試,涵蓋單一資源單元(SRU)和多資源單元(MRU);SAR 測試將考慮不同 RU 模式,並顯示 SAR 值在 320MHz 時最高。

Korea KOTTA 和 RRA 計劃向當地實驗室發佈「The Simplified SAR testing method for Wi-Fi 7」的指南,原定於六月底前發布但現已延期,該指南將有機會於本月底前發布,請持續關注。

Korea KOTTA and RRA are planning to distribute a guidance to local labs about "The Simplified SAR testing method for Wi-Fi 7". It was originally scheduled to be released by the end of June, but has been postponed. The guidance is now expected to be released by the end of this month. Please stay tuned.

關於Wi-Fi 7,客戶需要注意以下幾點:

Regarding Wi-Fi 7, customers need to take note of the following points:

  • 當Intel或Qualcomm更新他們的Wi-Fi 7模組後,如果筆記型電腦等終端產品使用了這些更新的模組,這些終端產品需要對每一個支援的頻段,進行額外的SAR(Specific Absorption Rate,特定吸收率)測試,這些測試需要包括:對單一資源單元(Single Resource Unit,SRU)和多資源單元(Multi Resource Unit,MRU)的測試。 When Intel or Qualcomm updates their Wi-Fi 7 modules, end products like notebooks that use these updated modules will need to undergo additional SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) testing for each supported band. These tests should include both Single Resource Unit (SRU) and Multi Resource Unit (MRU) testing.

支援MRU的Wi-Fi 7 AP能以更有效率的方式分配RU,從而縮短點對點之間的延遲時間;Wi-Fi 7允許將多個RU分配給單個用戶,並能組合RU以提高傳輸效率。
Wi-Fi 7 APs that support MRU can allocate RUs more efficiently, reducing point-to-point latency. Wi-Fi 7 allows multiple RUs to be assigned to a single user and combines RUs to improve transmission efficiency.

  • 之前,SAR測試是以全RU模式進行的,但現在KOTTA和RRA將指導測試「簡化SAR測試方法」,考慮更詳細的RU模式,如SRU和MRU。 Previously, SAR testing was conducted in full RU mode. However, KOTTA and RRA will now guide testing using a "simplified SAR testing method," which considers more detailed RU modes such as SRU and MRU.


According to the simplified SAR testing guidelines, additional SAR testing should be estimated as follows:

*允許變更:在現有設備中進行某些修改或更新 (例如:筆記型電腦的Wi-Fi模組從舊版本升級到新版本,需要根據新的簡化SAR測試指南進行額外的SAR測試)

*Permissive change: Making certain modifications or updates to existing equipment (e.g., upgrading the Wi-Fi module in a notebook from an older version to a new version), which requires additional SAR testing based on the new simplified SAR testing guidelines.

  • 如果Wi-Fi僅支援SRU (OFDMA) If WIFI supports only Single RU(OFDMA)

  • 如果Wi-Fi支援SRU (OFDMA) + MRU (OFDMA) If WIFI supports Single RU(OFDMA) + Multi RU(OFDMA)

Wi-Fi 7 簡化 SAR 量測方法建立進展:

Progress on the Establishment of the Simplified SAR Measurement Method for Wi-Fi 7:

原定從5月1日至6月4日,對採用 Wi-Fi 7 技術的 S 公司樣品進行了導出功率審查和最大 SAR 量測。

Originally scheduled from May 1 to June 4, the conducted output review and maximum SAR measurement were performed on samples from S company using Wi-Fi 7 technology.

※ 為了確認量測結果的趨勢和代表性,主要在 RU 分配位置的中點和 Wi-Fi 7 技術的主要問題頻寬 320MHz 進行了量測。

※ To confirm the trends and representativeness of the measurement results, measurements were primarily conducted at the midpoint of the RU allocation location and the main issue bandwidth of Wi-Fi 7 technology, which is 320MHz.

Analysis of measurement results

  1. 在SRU模式下,SAR量測值在320MHz(最大頻寬)時最高,而且在相同頻寬下,RU尺寸越大 (表示每個RU包含的子載波數越多,可能需要更高的發射功率),SAR量測值越高。 In SRU mode, the SAR measurement value was highest at 320MHz (the largest bandwidth), and within the same bandwidth, the larger the RU size (indicating more subcarriers per RU, which may require higher transmission power), the higher the SAR measurement value.

  2. 在MRU模式下,SAR量測值隨著導出功率的增加而增加,與SRU模式相同,但未觀察到RU尺寸與SAR量測值之間的相關性。 In MRU mode, the SAR measurement value increased with the conducted output, similar to SRU mode, but no correlation was observed between RU size and the SAR measurement value.

考慮到導出功率與SAR量測值之間的相關性,將適用KS C 3370-2附錄L和KSDB(F)第10號,但在獲取額外數據後,將考慮簡化量測方法。

Considering the correlation between the conducted output and the SAR measurement value, KS C 3370-2 Annex L and KSDB(F) No. 10 will be applied. However, after obtaining additional data, a simplified measurement method will be considered.

* KS C 3370-2附錄L:待測設備的無線區域網路特定吸收率

* KS C 3370-2 Annex L: Wireless LAN Specific absorption rate of the equipment being



Simplified Measurement Method


KSDB(F) No. 10: Detailed Guidelines for Wireless LAN Conducted Power Measurement



In MRU mode, the correlation between RU size and SAR measurement value must be reviewed, and additional measurements must be conducted to confirm the manufacturer's detailed device output settings. A comparison and analysis of SAR measurement results between SRU mode and MRU mode should also be performed.

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