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墨西哥推出新的 IFT 標籤指南 (Mexico New IFT Label Guidelines)

墨西哥聯邦電信機構(IFT)於 2023 年 12 月 26 日發布了 IFT 標籤 (Label) 使用指南,這對於電信和廣播領域的製造商和經銷商來說是一項重要的更新。

On December 26, 2023, the Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT) of Mexico issued new guidelines for the use of the IFT label, marking a significant update for manufacturers and distributors in the telecommunications and broadcasting sectors.

IFT 的認證指南規範了電信和廣播產品的認證程序,包括所有可連接至電信網路或使用無線電頻譜的設備,新指南的一大變化是導入了 IFT 標籤,這是一個用於識別經過認證產品的標誌。

FT's homologation guidelines establish procedures for the certification of telecommunications and broadcasting products, including all devices that can connect to telecommunications networks or use the radio spectrum. A major change in the new guidelines is the introduction of the IFT label, designed to identify certified products.

IFT 標籤的主要規範 Key Provisions for the IFT Label

  • 顏色和印刷要求 (Color and Printing Requirements) IFT 標誌 (Label) 必須使用100%實色、黑或100%反色黑印刷,並遵循保護區域及最小印刷尺寸的要求。 The IFT logo must be printed in 100% solid black or 100% reverse black, following the rules for protective areas and minimum printing dimensions.

  • 可見性與清晰度 (Visibility and Clarity) 標誌 (Label) 應該清楚易見,便於用戶辨識。 The logo should be clearly visible and easy for users to recognize.

  • 識別與認證 (Identification and Certification) IFT 標誌 (Label) 旁需要顯示大寫的 “IFT” 字樣及認證號碼。 The IFT logo must be accompanied by the "IFT" prefix in uppercase and the certification number.

Color and printing requirements
Color and printing requirements
Identification and certification
Identification and certification

只有在產品獲得有效的認證證書後,才可以放置 IFT 標誌 (Label) ,否則,不允許使用。

The IFT label can only be placed on products after obtaining a valid certification. Otherwise, its use is prohibited.

過渡期及合規要求 Transition Period and Compliance Requirements

自指南在《官方公報》發布後,製造商和經銷商有 180 個工作日的過渡期來遵守新規定;在新規範生效日期前已獲批准或正在認證中的產品,則不需要加上IFT標籤。

Manufacturers and distributors have a transition period of 180 business days from the publication of the guidelines in the Official Gazette to comply with the new rules. Products approved before the effective date of the new guidelines or those currently in the certification process are exempt from the requirement to display the IFT label.

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