The new Serbian Rulebook on Radio Equipment and Telecommunication Terminal Equipment will come into force on June 1, 2024. This regulation, published by the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Postal Services (RATEL), aligns with the EU Radio Equipment Directive.
主要變更: Key Changes:
合格證書的有效期從3年延長至5年。 The validity of the Certificate of Conformity has been extended from 3 years to 5 years.
塞爾維亞合格證書對無線電產品將強制要求至2026年12月31日。 A Serbian Certificate of Conformity will be mandatory for radio products until December 31, 2026.
從2027年1月1日起,CE標誌將被接受並足以適用於無線電產品。 From January 1, 2027, the CE mark will be acceptable and sufficient for radio products.
塞爾維亞無線電設備合格證書適用範圍: Radio Equipment Certificate of Conformity in Serbia:
用於GSM/UTRA/E-UTRA/NRA IMT蜂窩網路的使用者設備 User equipment that works within GSM/UTRA/E-UTRA/NRA IMT cellular networks;
未指定的短距離設備(SRD) Unspecified short range devices (SRD);
用於定位、監控和數據收集的短距離設備(SRD) Short range devices (SRD) for locating, monitoring and collecting data;
寬頻數據傳輸系統(WAS/RLANs) Broadband data transmission systems (WAS/RLANs);
鐵路應用設備 For railway applications;
交通和交通電信設備(TTT) For transport and telematics in traffic (TTT);
無線電測定應用設備 For radiodetermination applications;
報警設備 Alarm;
模型管理應用設備 For model management applications;
感應應用設備 For inductive applications;
用於直接傳輸(串流媒體)的無線麥克風、助聽器和無線音頻及多媒體系統 Radio microphones, hearing aids and wireless audio and multimedia systems for direct transmission (streaming);
射頻識別(RFID)應用設備 For radio frequency identification (RFID) applications;
活性醫療植入物及相關外圍設備 Active medical implants and associated peripheral devices;
用於收集醫療數據的設備 To collect medical data.
合格證書自簽發之日起五年內對同一製造商的同一類型和/或型號的無線電設備有效。 The certificate of conformity is valid for the same type and/or model of radio equipment of the same manufacturer for five years from the date of its issuance.